- ミッションプランPDF【7.0 MB】
- 0. Contents (2009/7/10) 【34 KB】
- 1. Executive Summary (2009/06/03) 【2.2 MB】
- 2. Scientific Objectives (2009/06/03)【1.5 MB】
- 3. Instrumental Capabilities (2009/06/03) 【2.7 MB】
- 4. Retrieval - Principle and Method (2009/06/03) 【1.8 MB】
- 5. Ground Data System (2009/06/03) 【0.8 MB】
- 6. Validation Plan (2009/7/10) 【3.0 MB】
- パンフレット
PDF【3.1 MB】
- パンフレット(研究者向け)
PDF【1.1 MB】
SMILES Mission Mark
System Testing
SMILES System / Components
JAXA では、2009 年 10 月〜2010 年 4 月に軌道上観測を実施した JEM 搭載超伝導サブミリ波リム放射サウンダ (JEM/SMILES) について、観測データの検証に主眼をおいた研究公募 (RA) を、2009 年 5 月に発出し、同年 8 月に下記のテーマが採択されました。現在は新たな公募は実施しておりません。過去の公募の詳細につきましては、以下の研究公募文書をご覧下さい。また、SMILES に関する情報は、資料のページもご参照下さい。研究公募採択結果のお知らせ
Principal Investigator (Research Organization) |
Research theme | Remarks |
Yvan Orsolini (JPL, USA) |
JEM/SMILES Cloud/Humidity Products | |
Arno de Lange (SRON, Netherlands) |
JEM/SMILES validation by the balloon instruments TELIS and MIPAS-B | |
Ian Boyd (NIWA, NZ) |
Validation of JEM/SMILES Ozone Measurements by Ground Based Microwave Ozone Radiometers and Other Instruments at Two NDACC Sites | |
Robert A. Stachnik (JPL, USA) |
JEM/SMILES Validation using atmospheric observations by the JPL balloon-borne remote sensor suite | |
Masatomo Fujiwara (Hokkaido Univ.) |
Validation of ozone measured with the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder(SMILES) by ozonesonde measurements | |
Joachim Urban (Chalmers Univ., Sweden) |
Collaborative research based on atmospheric observations from SMILES and Odin | |
Kaley Walker (Univ. of Toronto, Canada) |
Validation of JEM-SMILES Measurements Using Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer Data Sets | |
Yasuko Kasai (NICT) |
JEM/SMILES L2 Research Processing, Validation and Science | |
Masato Shiotani (Kyoto Univ. RISH) |
Comparing the SMILES data with those from the Microwave Limb Sounder aboard the EOS Aura | |
Mitsuteru Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) |
Detection of the chemical effects caused by solar and TLE activities at the middle atmosphere from the SMILES observation | |
Tomoo Nagahama (Nagoya Univ. STE) |
Monitoring of Mesospheric Composition Change associated with Solar-Terrestrial Environment Changes | |
Toshihisa Kuwahara (Nagoya Univ. STE) |
Investigation of diurnal and seasonal variations of stratospheric ClO based on ground-based millimeter-wave observations validated by the comparison with JEM/SMILES data | |
Koji Imai (TOME R&D Inc./JAXA) |
Stratospheric methyl cyanide (CH3CN) from JEM/SMILES | |
Makoto Suzuki (JAXA-ISAS) |
Method of diurnal analysis for sun-nonsynchronous observation system using SMILES data | |
Jana Mendrok (NICT) |
Tropospheric ice cloud measurements from SMILES - Retrieval, validation, and science | |
Satoshi Ochiai (NICT) |
SMILES Level 1 Calibration | |
Satoshi Ochiai (NICT) |
Ozone and ClO validation by millimeter-wave radiometer at Alaska | |
Takafumi Sugita (NIES) |
Quantitative evaluations of inorganic chlorine chemistry in the stratosphere using a photochemical model | |
Kiyotaka shibata (NIES) |
Study of zonally asymmetric distribution of ozone and related chemical species: Comparison between the SMILES data and the MRI chemistry-climate model data | |
Hideaki Nagajima (NIES) |
Validation of JEM/SMILES O3, O3-isotope, HCl, and HNO3 profiles with ground-based FTIR spectrometers in Rikubetsu and Tsukuba | |
Makoto suzuki (JAXA-ISAS) |
Stratospheric SO2 observation from JEM/SMILES | |
Mitsuteru Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) |
Detection of the chemical effects caused by solar and TLE activities at the middle atmosphere from the SMILES observation | |
Lawrence E. Flynn (NOAA/NESDIS) |
Comparisons of ozone profiles and assimilation products from SMILES with those from SBUV/2 | Late Proposal |
Francois Hendrick (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) |
Validation of JEM/SMILES BrO, HCl, and HNO3 measurements using ground-based instrument observations | Late Proposal |
Alexei Rozanov (Univ. of Bremen) |
Cross- validation and quality improvement of vertical distributions of O3 and BrO number density retrieved from SMILES and SCIAMACHY measurements | Late Proposal |
Ding-Yi Wang (Univ. of New Brunswick) |
Study of Stratospheric Dynamical Processes and Ozone Variations by Space-Based Multi-Sensor Datasets | Late Proposal |
Naoko Saitoh (Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University) |
Combined use of JEM/SMILES and GOSAT products for cross-validation of stratospheric minor species and study on stratospheric ozone chemistry in the Arctic | Late Proposal |
Shingo Watanabe (Research Institute for Global Change/JAMSTEC) |
Cross-validations of SMILES level 2 products against results of chemistry climate models | Late Proposal |